2023-03-13 / Custom Properties
Custom Properties are live! They are be replacing Content properties so please make note of this for your ongoing and new projects.
2023-03-07 / New endpoint collections & LiveDoc Gen update
- Generate LiveDoc content has received a new optional parameter, "UseMinorVersionForTest"
- Custom Schema Service is a new collection of Early Access endpoints
- Approval Workflow is a new collection of Early Access endpoints
2023-02-27 / UCP Preview & Updated Documents
- UCP Preview is now live and available for public usage!
- We have improved our documentation on Login with client credentials flow and the Related Training extension point
- We have identified a bug with the Related Training extension where the blade can disappear. This is called out in our Related Training page and we are targeting a fix by March 15th, 2023
- There was an incorrect value in the Cards documentation. "externalType" has been corrected to "type"
- We have updated the Delivery Approval v2 to correctly state a 60 second timeout, not 3 seconds
2023-02-27 / Rate Limits
Although our rate limit policy has been live for several months, we have not strictly enforced them for several of our endpoints. Please ensure your programs and integrations are adhering to the limits we have defined in our Rate Limiting Policies
2023-02-01 / Testing Domain
We have released a new testing domain to assist with change management, onboarding new features, and security enhancements. Please refer to the Versioning and Testing page for testing strategies
2022-10-10 / Picker (UCP) documentation update
We have updated the Content Picker documentation to include a Purpose section & an improved Security & Authorization section
2022-07-27 / Global Rate Limits
We have updated our Rate Limit policy to be globally enforced for all API endpoints. You can find more information on our Rate Limiting page
2022-07-12 / New Guides for Apps
We have written up some new guides and restructured existing documentation around apps and App Reg including
2022-07-07 / Additional extension points
- Additional extension points have been documented, including External Auth and Related Training
2022-06-16 / Content Planner APIs (Early Access)
- We have released a number of new endpoints for our Content Planner module. You can find more on them here.
- We have also release another early access endpoint Intelligence services