Generate a LiveDoc

This is where you start a generation, with all the necessary options. Each of the desired outputs must be specified in the "outputs" array. If you do not specify any outputs, this endpoint will return a 4xx error. Note: Generated outputs are only available for download for 24 hours from time of generation



Single variables are represented as an object such as:

  "name" : "field name here",
  "value" : "the value to pass in"

Adhoc tables are represented as an object with columns and a set of rows such as:

  "name": "adhoc_4",
  "value": {
  "columns": ["StrCol", "IntCol"],
  "rows": [["hello", 1], ["goodbye", 2]]


  • imageDpi for PPT and DOC can be set to 0, 96, 120, 144, 200, 300, 400. When set to 0, we will use placeholders rather than rasterized images in place of dynamic images.
  • layout for PDF can be set to Full Page Slides or Notes Pages to produce slides or note pages.
  • openPassword specifies the password required to open the PDF, if not provided, it will default to no password
  • ownerPassword specifies the password required to open the PDF as an edit mode owner, if not provided, it will default to no password.


“UseMinorVersionForTest” is an optional body parameter. Accepts true or false, defaults to false. If true, this parameter causes the LiveDoc to pull in all of the latest Minor version of the component, otherwise the LiveDoc will pull in the latest Major version of the component.


“RegionalFormat” is an optional body parameter that supports different number and date format standards for international customers. The parameter can be set to en-US, en-GB, de-DE, fr-FR, nl-NL, it-IT, es-ES, zh-CN, ko-KR, ja-JP, ru-RU, tr-TR, pt-BR, id-ID. If not provided, it will default to en-US.


Requires: seismic.library.view,seismic.library.manage See Permissions for additional details.


Rate limiting

This endpoint has a 10 requests per 60 second rate limiting policy.

    "adHocInputs": [{
            "name": "adhoc_1",
            "value": 100
        }, {
            "name": "adhoc_2",
            "value": "some text"
        }, {
            "name": "adhoc_3",
            "value": "2018-09-01"
    "outputs": [{
            "format": "PPTX",
            "name": "STS for Callahan Autoparts",
            "filename": "STS for Callahan Autoparts.pptx",
            "pptxOptions": {
                "imageDpi": 200,
                "clearNotes": false
    "useMinorVersionForTest": false,
    "regionalFormat": "en-US"
    "adHocInputs": [{
            "name": "adhoc_1",
            "value": 100
        }, {
            "name": "adhoc_2",
            "value": "some text"
        }, {
            "name": "adhoc_3",
            "value": "2018-09-01"
    "outputs": [{
            "format": "PDF",
            "name": "STS for Callahan Autoparts",
            "filename": "STS for Callahan Autoparts.pdf",
            "pdfOptions": {
                "layout": "Full Page Slides|Note Pages",
                "compatibility": "Acrobat 9.0",
                "openPassword": null,
                "ownerPassword": null,
                "ownerOptions": null
    "useMinorVersionForTest": false,
    "regionalFormat": "en-US"            
    "adHocInputs": [{
            "name": "adhoc_1",
            "value": 100
        }, {
            "name": "adhoc_2",
            "value": "some text"
        }, {
            "name": "adhoc_3",
            "value": "2018-09-01"
        }, {
            "name": "adhoc_4",
            "value": {
                "columns": ["StrCol", " IntCol"],
                "rows": [["hello", 1], ["goodbye", 2]]
    "outputs": [{
            "format": "PPTX",
            "name": "STS for Callahan Autoparts",
            "filename": "STS for Callahan Autoparts.pptx",
            "pptxOptions": {
                "imageDpi": 200,
                "clearNotes": false
        }, {
            "format": "DOCX",
            "name": "STS for Callahan Autoparts",
            "filename": "STS for Callahan Autoparts.docx",
            "docxOptions": {
                "imageDpi": 200
        }, {
            "format": "PDF",
            "name": "STS for Callahan Autoparts",
            "filename": "STS for Callahan Autoparts.pdf",
            "pdfOptions": {
                "layout": "Full Page Slides|Note Pages",
                "compatibility": "Acrobat 9.0",
                "openPassword": null,
                "ownerPassword": null,
                "ownerOptions": null
        }, {
            "format": "XLSX",
            "name": "STS for Callahan Autoparts",
            "filename": "STS for Callahan Autoparts.pdf",
            "xlsxOptions": {
                "datasource": "Data_Source_Name_Here"
    "useMinorVersionForTest": false,
    "regionalFormat": "en-US"            
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!