Authentication Overview

All Seismic API endpoints are authenticated using industry standard OpenID Connect/OAuth2 and require a Bearer token to be passed in as an Authorization header for the API to respond.
The endpoints and methods described in this section are here to assist you in getting your Bearer token so you can start making calls to the Reporting API endpoints.
In many of these suggested flows, we utilize the oidc-client-js library which makes managing the login flows quite simple. There are great samples and documentation available to support this library.
This library supports implicit and authorization_code flows and includes samples for popup, redirect, and silent iframe based login flows.


New to OAuth2 and OIDC?

If you are new to using OAuth2 or OIDC, there are several great resources to learn more about how it all works and what is required, see the links below.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!