Change url information/properties

This endpoint allows any of the url's properties to be modified including system properties such as the name, owner, description, as well as custom properties. The structure of the PATCH is identical to the structure of the GET, so you can simply use the GET the get a body, modify any relevant fields, then send the body via the PATCH. See the section on Patch Conventions for more information on working with PATCH.

Body Field Definition

  • name: The name of the url.
  • parentFolderId: The GUID of the url's parent folder. Changing this value will move the url from one folder to another. Use "root" to place files in the root folder of the teamsite.
  • url: The object containing the metadata fields specific to the url object type.
  • url.url: The url that this points to.
  • url.openInNewWindow: A boolean value that specifies if the URL will open in a new window or will be shown inside the Seismic application.
  • url.ownerId: The userId of the owner of the url.
  • url.experts: A list of experts for this url. A user expert would be in the form {"type":"user", "id":"the users id"}. A group expert would be in the form {"type":"group", "id":"the group id"}.
  • url.description: The description for the url.
  • url.expiresAt: The date the url expires which can only be set to the future. This date does not accept the time component, so should be specified as a UTC YYYY-MM-DD.
  • An array of properties and their values where each property is identified by its id such as {"id": "the property id","values": ["Value A", "Value B"]}. The property name can be included, but will be ignored.


Requires: seismic.library.manage See Permissions for additional details.

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