
Occurs when the requested format is generated from a LiveDoc template or there are failures during generating a LiveDoc.

Webhook Payload

The webhook event is encapsulated within a common wrapper structure providing general information about the event.

idstringThe unique ID for the event.
versionstringThe version of the event.
occurredAtstringThe time when the event occurred.
tenantIdstringTenant Id
tenantNamestringTenant name
dataobjectThe container of the event details. data object details
productAreastringProduct area

data object details

requestIdstringThe unique ID for the LiveDoc generation process.
userIdstringUser ID
statusstringThe final status of the LiveDoc generation process. [Generated
outputobjectThe output file information of the generated LiveDoc. output object details
seismicInstanceobjectThe information around generating a LiveDoc. The LiveDoc generation process is one of the stages that are managed in the Universal Content Builder (UCB). seismicInstance object details
clientDetailsobjectClient information clientDetails object details
requesterobjectThe information about where the request was made from. requester object details
reportobjectReport report object details
propertiesarray of objectsAdditional LiveDoc generation information (name/value pairs). Such as the generated LiveDoc Blob information(ContainerName, BlobId) and the form options, etc. properties array object details

output object details

formatstringThe file format of the generated LiveDoc. [PPTX
fileNamestringOutput file name
downloadUrlstringThe URL to download the generated LiveDoc.

seismicInstance object details

instanceIdstringUCB lifecycle instance ID
instanceStageIdstringUCB lifecycle instance stage ID
instanceStageTypestringUCB lifecycle instance stage type. [LiveDocGeneration=2]
generatorstringGenerator [LiveDoc]
originobjectThe information of the original LiveDoc template. origin object details

origin object details

contentobjectContent information content object details
repositorystringRepository of the original content [library
teamsiteIdstringTeamsite ID of the original content.
profileIdstringProfile ID of the original content.
profileVersionIdstringProfile version ID of the original content.
fullPathIdstringFull path ID in the DocCenter profile.
fullPathNamestringFull path name in DocCenter profile.
formIdstringForm Id
formNamestringForm name
googleFileIdstringGoogle file ID. The field is available when the original content is a Google document.

content object details

namestringContent name
idstringContent ID
versionIdstringContent version ID
versionstringContent version
formatstringContent format

clientDetails object details

namestringClient name
applicationOverridestringApplication override
productAreastringProduct area

requester object details

namestringRequester name [UCB]
idstringRequester Id
locationstringRequest location. [ContentManager

report object details

createTimenumberThe time the report was created.
lastUpdateTimenumberThe time the report was last updated.

properties array object details



  "id": "F4D8308057AE7ADF05A4A80604518BDC2BF80F2BC37DD3EDE8725F639070B388",
  "version": "LiveDocCompletedV2",
  "occurredAt": "2024-03-31T09:16:50.545Z",
  "tenantId": "234b9f0d-853d-4210-b5d2-b0574e003fcc",
  "tenantName": "postreleaseqawest1",
  "data": {
    "requestId": "c9c564af-e5c9-4a4b-ac55-4f9f85662888",
    "userId": "7f9adfa5-71ed-9478-c3b5-90687be4ed04",
    "status": "Generated",
    "output": {
      "format": "PPTX",
      "fileName": "CCDS in LiveDoc",
      "downloadUrl": ""
    "seismicInstance": {
      "instanceId": "caaa1740-23e1-48a9-9a17-297cd14ed4f0",
      "instanceStageId": "e58e0464-90a9-4214-a606-a22250a73699",
      "instanceStageType": "2",
      "generator": "LiveDoc",
      "origin": {
        "content": {
          "name": "CCDS in LiveDoc",
          "id": "0be17c58-9f53-404a-84db-e6832ed8f32f",
          "versionId": "40db45c4-b9d6-47a0-a2fb-0b96f0214ae8",
          "version": "1.0",
          "format": "pptx"
        "repository": "doccenter",
        "teamsiteId": "1",
        "profileId": "abc0ed10-6572-481f-b67f-f0da9993e670",
        "profileVersionId": "522e0a0f-ce0e-4644-a4b4-4547bd00ec97",
        "fullPathId": "/dd2a076c82-2704-1a4e-762f-41d809deaff8/lf40db45c4-b9d6-47a0-a2fb-0b96f0214ae8",
        "fullPathName": "\\PostReleaseVerification(Don't delete)\\CCDS in LiveDoc",
        "formId": "d3663485-839a-4643-bd52-5ed3b1085bce",
        "formName": "CCDS in LiveDoc",
        "googleFileId": ""
    "clientDetails": {
      "name": "Doccenter",
      "application": "Web",
      "applicationOverride": "web",
      "productArea": "doccenter"
    "requester": {
      "name": "UCB",
      "id": "a92fcb89-68d7-4335-9f1c-2c13703b8272",
      "location": "DocCenter"
    "report": {
      "createTime": 1711876610545,
      "lastUpdateTime": 1711876615916
    "properties": [
        "name": "ContainerName",
        "value": "postreleaseqawest1"
        "name": "BlobId",
        "value": "DownloadJobd27236db-a868-43be-a09d-bb0a109af111"
  "application": "Web",
  "productArea": "doccenter"