A summary of an interaction session (without additional enrichment)
Webhook Payload
The webhook event is encapsulated within a common wrapper structure providing general information about the event.
Property | Type | Description |
application | string | The type of application |
data | object | Detailed interaction data data object details |
id | string | Unique identifier for the data |
version | string | Version of the data schema |
occurredAt | string | Timestamp when the data occurred |
tenantId | string | Identifier of the tenant |
tenantName | string | Name of the tenant |
productArea | string | productArea |
data object details
Property | Type | Description |
InteractionId | string | Unique identifier for the interaction |
DeliveryOptionName | ['string', 'null'] | Name of the delivery option |
InteractionOccurredAt | string | Timestamp when the interaction occurred |
DeliveryOptionIdGlobal | ['string', 'null'] | Global identifier for the delivery option |
DeliveryOptionId | ['string', 'null'] | Identifier for the delivery option |
UserId | ['string', 'null'] | Identifier for the user |
InteractionIdGlobal | ['string', 'null'] | Global identifier for the interaction |
ActionType | ['string', 'null'] | Type of action performed |
ClientDetails | object | Details about the client ClientDetails object details |
Recipients | ['array', 'null'] | List of recipients |
InteractionGroup | ['string', 'null'] | Group of interactions |
Action | ['string', 'null'] | Action performed |
Links | ['array', 'null'] | List of links |
UserIdGlobal | ['string', 'null'] | Global identifier for the user |
['string', 'null'] | Email of the user | |
Status | ['string', 'null'] | Status of the interaction |
LivesendSessionSummary | object | Summary of the livesend session LivesendSessionSummary object details |
ContentSessions | array of objects | List of content sessions ContentSessions array object details |
DetailsUrl | string | URL for the details of the interaction |
Participants | array of objects | List of participants in the interaction Participants array object details |
SessionEndedAt | string | Timestamp when the session ended |
SessionId | string | Identifier of the session |
SessionStartedAt | string | Timestamp when the session started |
TotalContent | integer | Total number of content items |
TotalContentDownloaded | integer | Total number of content items downloaded |
TotalContentViewed | integer | Total number of content items viewed |
TotalDurationSeconds | integer | Total duration of the session in seconds |
LandingPageDurationSeconds | integer | Duration of the landing page view in seconds |
ClientDetails object details
Property | Type | Description |
Browser | string | Browser used by the client |
BrowserVersion | string | Version of the browser |
City | string | City of the client |
Country | string | Country of the client |
DeviceType | string | Type of device used |
IpAddress | string | IP address of the client |
Locale | ['string', 'null'] | Locale settings of the client |
OperatingSystem | string | Operating system used by the client |
OperatingSystemVersion | string | Version of the operating system |
ProductArea | string | Product area of the application |
Application | ['string', 'null'] | Application name |
SessionId | string | Session identifier |
GeolocationLatitude | number | Geolocation latitude of the client |
GeolocationLongitude | number | Geolocation longitude of the client |
State | string | State of the client |
ApplicationType | string | Type of application |
LivesendSessionSummary object details
Property | Type | Description |
Link | object | Details about the link Link object details |
TrackingParameters | ['object', 'null'] | Tracking parameters for the session |
Link object details
Property | Type | Description |
AllowDownload | boolean | Indicates if download is allowed |
DownloadFormatsSetting | array | Settings for download formats |
Content | array | Content details |
IsLandingPageCustomized | boolean | Indicates if the landing page is customized |
IsLivesendExperience | boolean | Indicates if it is a livesend experience |
CreatedAt | string | Timestamp when the link was created |
CreatedBy | string | Identifier of the creator |
ExpiresAt | string | Expiration timestamp of the link |
HasPassword | boolean | Indicates if the link has a password |
Id | string | Identifier of the link |
IsLive | boolean | Indicates if the link is live |
IsSeparateSend | boolean | Indicates if it is a separate send |
ModifiedAt | string | Timestamp when the link was last modified |
NormalizedId | string | Normalized identifier of the link |
NotificationMode | string | Notification mode for the link |
Tags | array | Tags associated with the link |
UrlPath | string | URL path of the link |
DownloadFormats | ['array', 'null'] | Download formats available |
IdGlobal | ['string', 'null'] | Global identifier of the link |
NormalizedIdGlobal | ['string', 'null'] | Normalized global identifier of the link |
ContentSessions array object details
Property | Type | Description |
Pages | array of objects | List of pages in the session Pages array object details |
TotalPages | integer | Total number of pages in the session |
TotalPagesViewed | integer | Total number of pages viewed in the session |
Id | string | Identifier of the content session |
Content | object | Content details of the session |
DownloadCount | integer | Number of times the content was downloaded |
DurationSeconds | integer | Duration of the session in seconds |
SessionEndedAt | string | Timestamp when the session ended |
SessionStartedAt | string | Timestamp when the session started |
SessionType | string | Type of the session |
WasDownloaded | boolean | Indicates if the content was downloaded |
WasViewed | boolean | Indicates if the content was viewed |
DownloadFormats | ['array', 'null'] | Download formats available for the content |
Pages array object details
Property | Type | Description |
DurationMilliseconds | integer | Duration of the page view in milliseconds |
StartedAt | ['string', 'null'] | Timestamp when the page view started |
EndedAt | ['string', 'null'] | Timestamp when the page view ended |
PageIndex | integer | Index of the page |
ThumbnailImageUrl | string | URL of the thumbnail image for the page |
Participants array object details
Property | Type | Description |
Context | array | Context of the participant |
InteractionId | string | Identifier of the interaction |
string | Email of the participant | |
UserId | ['string', 'null'] | Identifier of the user |
UserType | string | Type of the user |
UserLoginType | string | Login type of the user |
"application": "Web",
"data": {
"InteractionId": "89214603-0be5-4f78-86e3-fba72bdef6c3",
"DeliveryOptionName": null,
"InteractionOccurredAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"DeliveryOptionIdGlobal": null,
"DeliveryOptionId": null,
"UserId": null,
"InteractionIdGlobal": null,
"ActionType": null,
"ClientDetails": {
"Browser": "edge",
"BrowserVersion": "Edge.126.0.0",
"City": "Charlotte",
"Country": "United States",
"DeviceType": "pc",
"IpAddress": "",
"Locale": null,
"OperatingSystem": "windows",
"OperatingSystemVersion": "Windows 11",
"ProductArea": "livesendviewer",
"Application": null,
"SessionId": "3c7327f5-a699-42fc-823e-7e4bf6eef271",
"GeolocationLatitude": 15.2316,
"GeolocationLongitude": -10.8428,
"State": "North Carolina",
"ApplicationType": "unknown"
"Recipients": null,
"InteractionGroup": null,
"Action": null,
"Links": null,
"UserIdGlobal": null,
"Email": null,
"Status": null,
"LivesendSessionSummary": {
"Link": {
"AllowDownload": false,
"DownloadFormatsSetting": [
"Content": [
"Id": null,
"IdGlobal": null,
"Name": "Demo Content",
"Pages": null,
"QuickAccessPath": null,
"Repository": "doccenter",
"TotalPages": 0,
"Type": "file",
"VersionId": null,
"VersionIdGlobal": null,
"LibraryContent": {
"Id": "dec49f1b-f423-48d8-9b33-23a9c79e8abd",
"IdGlobal": null,
"TeamsiteId": "b9c95f7d-1822-4a68-8372-b61dd4635dfc",
"TeamsiteIdGlobal": null,
"VersionId": "5a7fa5ec-f49c-45c3-878d-433b382f56fc",
"VersionIdGlobal": null
"ContentProfileId": "32e410ed-f546-42a0-b87a-7d7cd4faad86",
"ContentProfilePath": [
"ADP GlobalView Payroll"
"IsLandingPageCustomized": false,
"IsLivesendExperience": false,
"CreatedAt": "2024-07-11T01:29:58.898593Z",
"CreatedBy": "1dc45f37-e35f-4fc9-8d36-9dd02339bd89",
"ExpiresAt": "2025-07-11T00:00:00Z",
"HasPassword": false,
"Id": "c070ee8a-9a21-0972-dc87-2c95f141561c",
"IsLive": true,
"IsSeparateSend": true,
"ModifiedAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"NormalizedId": "c070ee8a-9a21-0972-dc87-2c95f141561c",
"NotificationMode": "summary",
"Tags": [],
"UrlPath": "",
"DownloadFormats": null,
"IdGlobal": null,
"NormalizedIdGlobal": null
"TrackingParameters": null
"ContentSessions": [
"Pages": [
"DurationMilliseconds": 0,
"StartedAt": null,
"EndedAt": null,
"PageIndex": 1,
"ThumbnailImageUrl": ""
"TotalPages": 1,
"TotalPagesViewed": 0,
"Id": "4ce059a8-88bc-7825-ab0c-24173a97ef70",
"Content": {
"Id": null,
"IdGlobal": null,
"Name": "Demo Content",
"Pages": null,
"QuickAccessPath": null,
"Repository": "doccenter",
"TotalPages": 0,
"Type": "file",
"VersionId": null,
"VersionIdGlobal": null,
"LibraryContent": {
"Id": "dec49f1b-f421-48d8-9b33-23a9c79e8abd",
"IdGlobal": null,
"TeamsiteId": "b9c15f7d-1822-4a68-8372-b61dd4635dfc",
"TeamsiteIdGlobal": null,
"VersionId": "5a1fa5ec-f49c-45c3-878d-433b382f56fc",
"VersionIdGlobal": null
"ContentProfileId": "32e410ed-f546-42a0-b87a-7d7cd4faad86",
"ContentProfilePath": [
"Demo Content"
"DownloadCount": 0,
"DurationSeconds": 0,
"SessionEndedAt": "2024-07-14T14:03:45Z",
"SessionStartedAt": "2024-07-14T13:47:38Z",
"SessionType": "pages",
"WasDownloaded": false,
"WasViewed": false,
"DownloadFormats": null
"DetailsUrl": "",
"Participants": [
"Context": [],
"InteractionId": "89294603-0be5-4f78-86e3-fba72bdef6c3",
"Email": "[email protected]",
"UserId": null,
"UserType": "Buyer",
"UserLoginType": "Seismic"
"SessionEndedAt": "07/14/2024 14:03:45",
"SessionId": "3c7327f5-a699-45fc-823e-7e4bf6eef271",
"SessionStartedAt": "2024-07-14T13:47:38Z",
"TotalContent": 1,
"TotalContentDownloaded": 0,
"TotalContentViewed": 0,
"TotalDurationSeconds": 966,
"LandingPageDurationSeconds": 0
"id": "e40bbaab-f86e-e62b-d3c9-5104734edb18",
"version": "livesend-session-summary-v3",
"occurredAt": "2024-07-14T14:03:52.679592+00:00",
"tenantId": "79caac86-4242-401f-bf63-4505f609dd22",
"tenantName": "demo",
"productArea": "Livesend"
Updated 7 days ago