
A summary of an interaction session (without additional enrichment)

Webhook Payload

The webhook event is encapsulated within a common wrapper structure providing general information about the event.

applicationstringThe type of application
dataobjectDetailed interaction data data object details
idstringUnique identifier for the data
versionstringVersion of the data schema
occurredAtstringTimestamp when the data occurred
tenantIdstringIdentifier of the tenant
tenantNamestringName of the tenant

data object details

InteractionIdstringUnique identifier for the interaction
DeliveryOptionName['string', 'null']Name of the delivery option
InteractionOccurredAtstringTimestamp when the interaction occurred
DeliveryOptionIdGlobal['string', 'null']Global identifier for the delivery option
DeliveryOptionId['string', 'null']Identifier for the delivery option
UserId['string', 'null']Identifier for the user
InteractionIdGlobal['string', 'null']Global identifier for the interaction
ActionType['string', 'null']Type of action performed
ClientDetailsobjectDetails about the client ClientDetails object details
Recipients['array', 'null']List of recipients
InteractionGroup['string', 'null']Group of interactions
Action['string', 'null']Action performed
Links['array', 'null']List of links
UserIdGlobal['string', 'null']Global identifier for the user
Email['string', 'null']Email of the user
Status['string', 'null']Status of the interaction
LivesendSessionSummaryobjectSummary of the livesend session LivesendSessionSummary object details
ContentSessionsarray of objectsList of content sessions ContentSessions array object details
DetailsUrlstringURL for the details of the interaction
Participantsarray of objectsList of participants in the interaction Participants array object details
SessionEndedAtstringTimestamp when the session ended
SessionIdstringIdentifier of the session
SessionStartedAtstringTimestamp when the session started
TotalContentintegerTotal number of content items
TotalContentDownloadedintegerTotal number of content items downloaded
TotalContentViewedintegerTotal number of content items viewed
TotalDurationSecondsintegerTotal duration of the session in seconds
LandingPageDurationSecondsintegerDuration of the landing page view in seconds

ClientDetails object details

BrowserstringBrowser used by the client
BrowserVersionstringVersion of the browser
CitystringCity of the client
CountrystringCountry of the client
DeviceTypestringType of device used
IpAddressstringIP address of the client
Locale['string', 'null']Locale settings of the client
OperatingSystemstringOperating system used by the client
OperatingSystemVersionstringVersion of the operating system
ProductAreastringProduct area of the application
Application['string', 'null']Application name
SessionIdstringSession identifier
GeolocationLatitudenumberGeolocation latitude of the client
GeolocationLongitudenumberGeolocation longitude of the client
StatestringState of the client
ApplicationTypestringType of application

LivesendSessionSummary object details

LinkobjectDetails about the link Link object details
TrackingParameters['object', 'null']Tracking parameters for the session

Link object details

AllowDownloadbooleanIndicates if download is allowed
DownloadFormatsSettingarraySettings for download formats
ContentarrayContent details
IsLandingPageCustomizedbooleanIndicates if the landing page is customized
IsLivesendExperiencebooleanIndicates if it is a livesend experience
CreatedAtstringTimestamp when the link was created
CreatedBystringIdentifier of the creator
ExpiresAtstringExpiration timestamp of the link
HasPasswordbooleanIndicates if the link has a password
IdstringIdentifier of the link
IsLivebooleanIndicates if the link is live
IsSeparateSendbooleanIndicates if it is a separate send
ModifiedAtstringTimestamp when the link was last modified
NormalizedIdstringNormalized identifier of the link
NotificationModestringNotification mode for the link
TagsarrayTags associated with the link
UrlPathstringURL path of the link
DownloadFormats['array', 'null']Download formats available
IdGlobal['string', 'null']Global identifier of the link
NormalizedIdGlobal['string', 'null']Normalized global identifier of the link

ContentSessions array object details

Pagesarray of objectsList of pages in the session Pages array object details
TotalPagesintegerTotal number of pages in the session
TotalPagesViewedintegerTotal number of pages viewed in the session
IdstringIdentifier of the content session
ContentobjectContent details of the session
DownloadCountintegerNumber of times the content was downloaded
DurationSecondsintegerDuration of the session in seconds
SessionEndedAtstringTimestamp when the session ended
SessionStartedAtstringTimestamp when the session started
SessionTypestringType of the session
WasDownloadedbooleanIndicates if the content was downloaded
WasViewedbooleanIndicates if the content was viewed
DownloadFormats['array', 'null']Download formats available for the content

Pages array object details

DurationMillisecondsintegerDuration of the page view in milliseconds
StartedAt['string', 'null']Timestamp when the page view started
EndedAt['string', 'null']Timestamp when the page view ended
PageIndexintegerIndex of the page
ThumbnailImageUrlstringURL of the thumbnail image for the page

Participants array object details

ContextarrayContext of the participant
InteractionIdstringIdentifier of the interaction
EmailstringEmail of the participant
UserId['string', 'null']Identifier of the user
UserTypestringType of the user
UserLoginTypestringLogin type of the user


  "application": "Web",
  "data": {
    "InteractionId": "89214603-0be5-4f78-86e3-fba72bdef6c3",
    "DeliveryOptionName": null,
    "InteractionOccurredAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
    "DeliveryOptionIdGlobal": null,
    "DeliveryOptionId": null,
    "UserId": null,
    "InteractionIdGlobal": null,
    "ActionType": null,
    "ClientDetails": {
      "Browser": "edge",
      "BrowserVersion": "Edge.126.0.0",
      "City": "Charlotte",
      "Country": "United States",
      "DeviceType": "pc",
      "IpAddress": "",
      "Locale": null,
      "OperatingSystem": "windows",
      "OperatingSystemVersion": "Windows 11",
      "ProductArea": "livesendviewer",
      "Application": null,
      "SessionId": "3c7327f5-a699-42fc-823e-7e4bf6eef271",
      "GeolocationLatitude": 15.2316,
      "GeolocationLongitude": -10.8428,
      "State": "North Carolina",
      "ApplicationType": "unknown"
    "Recipients": null,
    "InteractionGroup": null,
    "Action": null,
    "Links": null,
    "UserIdGlobal": null,
    "Email": null,
    "Status": null,
    "LivesendSessionSummary": {
      "Link": {
        "AllowDownload": false,
        "DownloadFormatsSetting": [
        "Content": [
            "Id": null,
            "IdGlobal": null,
            "Name": "Demo Content",
            "Pages": null,
            "QuickAccessPath": null,
            "Repository": "doccenter",
            "TotalPages": 0,
            "Type": "file",
            "VersionId": null,
            "VersionIdGlobal": null,
            "LibraryContent": {
              "Id": "dec49f1b-f423-48d8-9b33-23a9c79e8abd",
              "IdGlobal": null,
              "TeamsiteId": "b9c95f7d-1822-4a68-8372-b61dd4635dfc",
              "TeamsiteIdGlobal": null,
              "VersionId": "5a7fa5ec-f49c-45c3-878d-433b382f56fc",
              "VersionIdGlobal": null
            "ContentProfileId": "32e410ed-f546-42a0-b87a-7d7cd4faad86",
            "ContentProfilePath": [
              "ADP GlobalView Payroll"
        "IsLandingPageCustomized": false,
        "IsLivesendExperience": false,
        "CreatedAt": "2024-07-11T01:29:58.898593Z",
        "CreatedBy": "1dc45f37-e35f-4fc9-8d36-9dd02339bd89",
        "ExpiresAt": "2025-07-11T00:00:00Z",
        "HasPassword": false,
        "Id": "c070ee8a-9a21-0972-dc87-2c95f141561c",
        "IsLive": true,
        "IsSeparateSend": true,
        "ModifiedAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
        "NormalizedId": "c070ee8a-9a21-0972-dc87-2c95f141561c",
        "NotificationMode": "summary",
        "Tags": [],
        "UrlPath": "",
        "DownloadFormats": null,
        "IdGlobal": null,
        "NormalizedIdGlobal": null
      "TrackingParameters": null
    "ContentSessions": [
        "Pages": [
            "DurationMilliseconds": 0,
            "StartedAt": null,
            "EndedAt": null,
            "PageIndex": 1,
            "ThumbnailImageUrl": ""
        "TotalPages": 1,
        "TotalPagesViewed": 0,
        "Id": "4ce059a8-88bc-7825-ab0c-24173a97ef70",
        "Content": {
          "Id": null,
          "IdGlobal": null,
          "Name": "Demo Content",
          "Pages": null,
          "QuickAccessPath": null,
          "Repository": "doccenter",
          "TotalPages": 0,
          "Type": "file",
          "VersionId": null,
          "VersionIdGlobal": null,
          "LibraryContent": {
            "Id": "dec49f1b-f421-48d8-9b33-23a9c79e8abd",
            "IdGlobal": null,
            "TeamsiteId": "b9c15f7d-1822-4a68-8372-b61dd4635dfc",
            "TeamsiteIdGlobal": null,
            "VersionId": "5a1fa5ec-f49c-45c3-878d-433b382f56fc",
            "VersionIdGlobal": null
          "ContentProfileId": "32e410ed-f546-42a0-b87a-7d7cd4faad86",
          "ContentProfilePath": [
            "Demo Content"
        "DownloadCount": 0,
        "DurationSeconds": 0,
        "SessionEndedAt": "2024-07-14T14:03:45Z",
        "SessionStartedAt": "2024-07-14T13:47:38Z",
        "SessionType": "pages",
        "WasDownloaded": false,
        "WasViewed": false,
        "DownloadFormats": null
    "DetailsUrl": "",
    "Participants": [
        "Context": [],
        "InteractionId": "89294603-0be5-4f78-86e3-fba72bdef6c3",
        "Email": "[email protected]",
        "UserId": null,
        "UserType": "Buyer",
        "UserLoginType": "Seismic"
    "SessionEndedAt": "07/14/2024 14:03:45",
    "SessionId": "3c7327f5-a699-45fc-823e-7e4bf6eef271",
    "SessionStartedAt": "2024-07-14T13:47:38Z",
    "TotalContent": 1,
    "TotalContentDownloaded": 0,
    "TotalContentViewed": 0,
    "TotalDurationSeconds": 966,
    "LandingPageDurationSeconds": 0
  "id": "e40bbaab-f86e-e62b-d3c9-5104734edb18",
  "version": "livesend-session-summary-v3",
  "occurredAt": "2024-07-14T14:03:52.679592+00:00",
  "tenantId": "79caac86-4242-401f-bf63-4505f609dd22",
  "tenantName": "demo",
  "productArea": "Livesend"