Scopes let you specify the exact API permissions your app can have access to in a Seismic tenant.

Scopes are defined in the following format:

  • All scopes will start with "seismic"
  • The object is the area of the platform that you are going to be interacting with, such as Library, Users, or Reporting
  • The permission level is either view for read-only access, or manage for read/write access
    • There are a few exceptions noted below that do not contain a view or manage permission level, such as Reporting, Delivery, and Search



Scopes are not intended to override a users defined permissions. For example, a business user cannot upload content to content manager when using an auth token with seismic.library.manage scope

seismic.self.viewRead information about the current user
seismic.self.manageManage information about the current user
seismic.user.viewRead profile and group about all users in the system
seismic.user.manageManage profile and group information about any user in the system
seismic.configuration.viewRead information about how the system is configured
seismic.configuration.manageManage information about how the system is configured
seismic.reportingAccess to tenants reporting data
seismic.deliveryAccess to all delivery methods including email, generated livesend links, and custom delivery options.
seismic.library.viewRead item information and properties about an object. This includes read access to content manager, doccenter, and newscenter. Ability to download content is also included.
seismic.library.manageManage content, and folders, within a tenant (e.g. add, update, and delete). Manage access inherently includes the seismic.library.view scope.

Additional capabilities include:
Ability to publish content to doccenter and newscenter
Ability to submit into approval workflows
* Ability to manage approval process steps (approve and reject)
seismic.workspace.viewRead item information and properties about an object. Ability to download content is also included.
seismic.workspace.manageManage content, and folders, within a users workspace (e.g. add, update, and delete). Manage access inherently includes the seismic.workspace.view scope.
seismic.searchAccess to search for content in all repositories. This includes read access to information and properties about any object returned. Ability to download content is also included.
seismic.livedoc_express.viewRead LiveDoc Express batch and variant information.
seismic.livedoc_express.manageManage LiveDoc Express batch and variant data and execute batch generations.
seismic.planner.viewRead item information and properties about objects in planner. This includes projects, tasks, activity, comments, and custom properties.
seismic.planner.manageManage projects, tasks, and their item information and properties, including activity, comments, and custom properties.
seismic.custom_property.viewRead information about custom properties.
seismic.custom_property.manageManage custom properties in the system.
seismic.custom_schema.viewRead information about the custom schemas present in the system.
seismic.custom_schema.manageManage custom schemas in the system.
seismic.workflow.viewRead running approval workflow information and workflow properties.
seismic.workflow.manageTake actions on approval workflows like approve, reject or submit available workflow targets like a content item, an engagement to workflow.
seismic.engagement.viewRead information about engagements such as Seismic emails, links, and meetings.
seismic.engagement.manageManage information about engagements such as Seismic emails, links, and meetings.
seismic.learning.viewRead information about objects associated with Learning.
seismic.learning.manageRead and modify information about objects associated with Learning.
seismic.global_variable.viewView global variables in the system.
seismic.global_variable.manageManage global variables in the system.
seismic.gen-searchAccess to generative search functionality. information about channels. channels in the system.