
Livesend engagement summary (deprecated)

Webhook Payload

The webhook event is encapsulated within a common wrapper structure providing general information about the event.

applicationstringThe type of application, e.g., Web.
dataobjectData data object details
idstringUnique identifier for the data.
versionstringVersion of the data.
occurredAtstringTimestamp when the event occurred.
tenantIdstringUnique identifier for the tenant.
tenantNamestringName of the tenant.
productAreastringproduct Area

data object details

clientDetailsobjectDetails about the client. clientDetails object details
livesendSummaryobjectSummary of the livesend session. livesendSummary object details

clientDetails object details

sessionIdstringUnique identifier for the session.
ipAddressstringIP address of the client.
productAreastringProduct area being used.
deviceTypestringType of device used by the client.
browserstringBrowser used by the client.
browserVersionstringVersion of the browser used.
operatingSystemstringOperating system of the client.
operatingSystemVersionstringVersion of the operating system.
locale['string', 'null']Locale settings of the client.
citystringCity of the client.
countrystringCountry of the client.
applicationTypestringType of application being used.
applicationstringName of the application.

livesendSummary object details

sentBystringIdentifier of the user who sent the livesend.
livesendLinkIdstringIdentifier for the livesend link.
deliveryIntegratorContext['string', 'null']Context for the delivery integrator.
linkMembersarray of objectsList of members associated with the link. linkMembers array object details
livesendViewingSessionIdstringIdentifier for the livesend viewing session.
sessionStartedAtstringTimestamp when the session started.
sessionEndedAtstringTimestamp when the session ended.
totalContentintegerTotal number of content items.
totalContentViewedintegerTotal number of content items viewed.
totalContentDownloadedintegerTotal number of content items downloaded.
totalDurationSecondsintegerTotal duration of the session in seconds.
detailsUrlstringURL for the session details.
livesendUrlstringURL for the livesend.
linkParametersstringParameters associated with the link.
notificationSettingstringNotification setting for the livesend.
downloadFormatsSettingstringDownload formats setting for the livesend.
summaryByContentarray of objectsSummary of the content in the livesend. summaryByContent array object details

linkMembers array object details

emailstringEmail of the link member.
externalUserIdstringExternal user identifier for the link member.

summaryByContent array object details

contentobjectDetails of the content. content object details
pagesintegerNumber of pages in the content.
pagesViewedintegerNumber of pages viewed.
durationSecondsintegerDuration of viewing in seconds.
wasDownloadedbooleanIndicates if the content was downloaded.
downloadFormatsarrayFormats in which the content was downloaded.
wasViewedbooleanIndicates if the content was viewed.
summaryByPagearray of objectsSummary of the content by page. summaryByPage array object details

content object details

repositorystringRepository of the content.
versionIdstringVersion identifier of the content.
quickAccessPath['string', 'null']Quick access path for the content.
namestringName of the content.
idstringIdentifier of the content.
typestringType of the content.
pages['string', 'null']Number of pages in the content.

summaryByPage array object details

pageIndexintegerIndex of the page.
thumbnailImageUrl['string', 'null']URL of the thumbnail image for the page.
durationMillisecondsintegerDuration of viewing the page in milliseconds.


  "application": "Web",
  "data": {
    "clientDetails": {
      "sessionId": "110061e5-5020-4f83-96af-3e5894435a2d",
      "ipAddress": "2401:4900:56f6:8238:a4c4:4ec4:339e:9fbb",
      "productArea": "livesend",
      "deviceType": "pc",
      "browser": "chrome",
      "browserVersion": "Chrome.129.0.0",
      "operatingSystem": "windows",
      "operatingSystemVersion": "Windows 10",
      "locale": null,
      "city": "Mumbai",
      "country": "India",
      "applicationType": "unknown",
      "application": "unknown"
    "livesendSummary": {
      "sentBy": "729771ac-bcb9-da00-3a9e-acaef7e45d3a",
      "livesendLinkId": "42fb75e6-a5f2-f7d3-9a9a-caacec7db868",
      "deliveryIntegratorContext": null,
      "linkMembers": [
          "email": "[email protected]",
          "externalUserId": "cacf018a-65cb-3015-8a27-8e96af52e101"
      "livesendViewingSessionId": "110061e5-5020-4f83-96af-3e5894435a2d",
      "sessionStartedAt": "2024-10-09T09:52:56Z",
      "sessionEndedAt": "2024-10-09T09:53:33Z",
      "totalContent": 1,
      "totalContentViewed": 1,
      "totalContentDownloaded": 1,
      "totalDurationSeconds": 16,
      "detailsUrl": "",
      "livesendUrl": "",
      "linkParameters": "",
      "notificationSetting": "Summary",
      "downloadFormatsSetting": "All",
      "summaryByContent": [
          "content": {
            "repository": "workspace",
            "versionId": "a52bdf23-ae2c-4ba8-a174-dbeef3f192e5",
            "quickAccessPath": null,
            "name": "1Page",
            "id": "1133dbe2-2e5d-468d-81e9-067ba514c083",
            "type": "file",
            "pages": null
          "pages": 4,
          "pagesViewed": 4,
          "durationSeconds": 16,
          "wasDownloaded": true,
          "downloadFormats": [
          "wasViewed": true,
          "summaryByPage": [
              "pageIndex": 1,
              "thumbnailImageUrl": null,
              "durationMilliseconds": 6850
  "id": "e40bbaab-f86e-e62b-d3c9-5104734edb18",
  "version": "livesend-session-summary-v2",
  "occurredAt": "2024-07-14T14:03:52.679592+00:00",
  "tenantId": "79caac86-4242-401f-bf63-4505f609dd22",
  "tenantName": "demo",
  "productArea": "Livesend"