Occurs when the readiness archival process is completed.
Webhook Payload
The webhook event is encapsulated within a common wrapper structure providing general information about the event.
Property | Type | Description |
id | string | The uniqueId of the event |
version | string | The version of the event |
occurredAt | string | The timestamp event occurred |
tenantId | string | TenantId |
tenantName | string | TenantName |
data | object | The container of the event details data object details |
application | string | Application |
productArea | string | Product Area |
data object details
Property | Type | Description |
lessonId | number | lessonId |
lessonVersion | number | lessonVersion |
lessonStatus | string | lessonStatus |
lessonDataArchiveUrl | string | lessonDataArchiveUrl |
assets | array of objects | assets assets array object details |
assets array object details
Property | Type | Description |
name | string | name |
fileType | string | fileType |
archiveUrl | string | archiveUrl |
identifier | string | identifier |
"Id": "386D726D5ED1959DB1CDCAB4B1F931F96ABEA6777B27C06A183E9A2052E6B7B4",
"Version": "ReadinessArchivalEventV1",
"OccurredAt": "2024-01-18T05:57:34.885Z",
"TenantId": "b4d8bb18-dc97-4e18-8049-50a04edf453f",
"TenantName": "fsdev",
"Data": {
"lessonId": 55569,
"lessonVersion": 2,
"lessonStatus": "Published",
"lessonDataArchiveUrl": "",
"assets": [
"name": "",
"fileType": "VideoOrAudio",
"archiveUrl": "",
"identifier": "62717"
"name": "transcript for $-$c8e177b5-1bad-42e6-8243-38ae8e745bb8",
"fileType": "Transcription",
"archiveUrl": "",
"identifier": ""
"Application": "readiness",
"ProductArea": "archival"
Updated 7 days ago