Find custom properties by filter

Get all custom properties which meet conditions.

Condition Definition

If no query condition is provided, returns all custom properties.

Filter: filter supported some fields, include "name", "id"(custom property Id), scopes, teamSites.

If you would like to get custom property named = "Test-001", set filter as

{"operator": "and","conditions": [{"attribute": "name","operator": "Equal","value": "Test-001"}],"filters": []}

If you would like to get custom properties named NotEqual "Test-001", set filter as

{"operator": "and","conditions": [{"attribute": "name","operator": "NotEqual","value": "Test-001"}],"filters": []}

If you would like to get custom properties in a list (named "Test-001", "Test-002") , set filter as

{"operator": "and","conditions": [{"attribute": "name","operator": "In","value": ["Test-001","Test-002"]}],"filters": []}

If you would like to get custom property by Id = "65087444-5716-4cda-89c6-d169c080d0da", set filter as

{"operator": "and","conditions": [{"attribute": "id","operator": "Equal","value": "65087444-5716-4cda-89c6-d169c080d0da"}],"filters": []}

If you would like to get custom properties by Id NotEqual "65087444-5716-4cda-89c6-d169c080d0da", set filter as

{"operator": "and","conditions": [{"attribute": "id","operator": "NotEqual","value": "65087444-5716-4cda-89c6-d169c080d0da"}],"filters": []}

If you would like to get custom properties in a list (Id = "65087444-5716-4cda-89c6-d169c080d0da", "5658cb4d-bac6-4b33-b633-e8c70434209c") , set filter as

{"operator": "and","conditions": [{"attribute": "id","operator": "In","value": ["65087444-5716-4cda-89c6-d169c080d0da","5658cb4d-bac6-4b33-b633-e8c70434209c"]}],"filters": []}

If you would like to get custom proerpties by scopes include "content". set filter as

{"operator": "and","conditions": [{"attribute": "scopes","operator": "ArrayContains","value": "content"}],"filters": []}

If you would like to get custom properties by tesmSites include "0ff39109-5790-4603-8a4f-90e36742f38e", set filter as

{"operator": "and","conditions": [{"attribute": "teamSites","operator": "ArrayContains","value": "0ff39109-5790-4603-8a4f-90e36742f38e"}],"filters": []}

Complex Query, if you would like to get custom properties by teamSites include "0ff39109-5790-4603-8a4f-90e36742f38e" OR name Equal "Test-001", set filter as


Complex Query, if you would like to get custom properties by tesmSites include "0ff39109-5790-4603-8a4f-90e36742f38e" AND name Equal "Test-001", set filter as


Complex Query, if you would like to get custom properties by tesmSites include 0ff39109-5790-4603-8a4f-90e36742f38e" OR name Equal "Test-001". And based on above condition, you also would like to scopes "content", set filter as

{"operator": "and","conditions": [{"attribute": "scopes","operator": "ArrayContains","value": "content"}],"filters": [{"operator": "or","conditions": [{"attribute": "teamSites","operator": "ArrayContains","value": "0ff39109-5790-4603-8a4f-90e36742f38e"},{"attribute":"name","operator":"Equal","value":"Test-001"}],"filters": []}]}

Filter operator, support "and", "or".

\uD83D\uDCD8 Info

If you would like to write complex query filter, please contact Seismic.


Requires seismic.custom_property.manage or seismic.custom_property.view. See Permissions for additional details.

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